



Unexplained is a haunting and unsettling bi-weekly podcast about strange and mysterious real life events that continue to evade explanation. A story-based show mixing spoken-word narrative, history and ideas - often to terrifying effect - that explores the space between what we think of as real and what is not; where sometimes belief can be as concrete as ‘reality,’ whatever that is…

More info at www.unexplainedpodcast.com and on twitter @unexplainedpod and facebook.com/unexplainedpodcast

Catégories: Culture et Société

Écoutez le dernier épisode:

If you think the novels of Philip K. Dick are strange, you should hear what happened to him in real life.

It all began, one uncanny day in 1974...

Written by James Conor Patterson and produced by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to @unexplainedpod, facebook.com/unexplainedpodcast or www.unexplainedpodcast.com for more info. Thank you for listening.

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Épisodes précédents

  • 345 - Season 8 Episode 2: Desire Production 
    Fri, 13 Sep 2024
  • 344 - Season 8 Episode 01: May Their Passage Cleanse the World 
    Fri, 06 Sep 2024
  • 343 - Unexplained Season 08 Trailer 
    Wed, 04 Sep 2024
  • 342 - S05 Episode 10: In the Shadow of the Mountain (RERUN) 
    Fri, 30 Aug 2024
  • 341 - S05 Episode 4: How the End Always Is (RERUN) 
    Fri, 23 Aug 2024
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